Last night,we arranged for him to stay near the company hotel,so at 9 o 'clock in the morning,
our colleagues Sunny and Alisa walk directly to the hotel to pick him up at our LML.When he
comes, each of us greets him, his Chinese is excellent and his body is fitness,today is very windy
day,we all wear a lot, but he still wears T-shirt and his hands are so warm when we shaking hands
with him.Olov visits this time is to explore a new case involving more than a dozen products. Olov
has been working with LML for five years,and he has been purchasing our stainless steel
eyelet,metal stamping parts and nuts,and the types of products we cooperate with are getting
wider.Olov and sunny discussed products for a long time,because Olov has other schedules, so
we take him to lunch around 11 o'clock.We had a toast together during the meal,he said that he
was very grateful for our cooperation over the past few years to make their business run
smoothly. We also thank him for his support. We look forward to working for a cooperation order
of US $ 200,000 next year. Then next year's Thanksgiving he will bring his children and wife to
dinner with us to celebrate.Striving for a beautiful promise!